The average house price on PITSFORD CLOSE is £100,088
The most expensive house in the street is 19 PITSFORD CLOSE with an estimated value of £127,355
The cheapest house in the street is 17 PITSFORD CLOSE with an estimated value of £77,640
The house which was most recently sold was 19 PITSFORD CLOSE, this sold on 9 Jul 2021 for £110,000
The postcode for PITSFORD CLOSE is HU7 4HT
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
15 PITSFORD CLOSE Terraced £93,331 £75,000 8 Feb 2019
17 PITSFORD CLOSE Terraced £77,640 £61,500 16 Mar 2018
19 PITSFORD CLOSE Terraced £127,355 £110,000 9 Jul 2021
21 PITSFORD CLOSE Terraced £118,338 £97,000 1 Jun 2020
22 PITSFORD CLOSE Terraced £91,490 £68,000 20 Jun 2016
24 PITSFORD CLOSE Terraced £92,379 £74,950 28 Feb 2020